Posts tagged community
Early findings from interviews with 9 Australian councils on nature-based solutions

ICLEI and Swinburne University have now conducted interviews with the first group of 9 CitiesWithNature Pioneer councils. The interviews are designed to learn about council priorities for nature-based solutions and to develop the best way for the research community and ICLEI to support their work. More interviews will be conducted in the coming months and at least one focus group webinar will be held to discuss the findings with interviewees.

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City of West Torrens joins Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy

The City of West Torrens is excited about joining the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy Program and recently provided us with this article about why this has been an important step for their Council and community.

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Concurrent disasters, the new normal? Six months after the Australian bushfires

If managing multiple disasters at a time will be the new normal, how can local governments and their communities simultaneously manage recovery efforts while coping with concurrent disasters? This may be a significant turning point for the reconceptualisation and reintegration of “resilience” into all aspects of local government disaster planning.

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Future Earth Australia – Community Science for Sustainability

FEA has launched a new community science for sustainability initiative, which facilitates communities and scientists to co-produce actionable science which addresses a local or regional sustainability priority. Future Earth Australia is accepting applications from community leaders in Australia to join the 2020 cohort.

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Bushfires and the Climate Emergency – what can local governments do?

The recent catastrophic firestorms engulfing Australian forests, farmlands and communities have been heartbreaking and we at ICLEI extend our condolences to everyone who has lost loved ones or property or businesses. It is also heartbreaking to witness the widespread damage to habitat and wildlife. 

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Why local governments should care about the Climate Council's 'Weather Gone Wild' report

All local governments should be concerned by the findings of the Climate Council’s latest report Weather Gone Wild. It summarises key extreme weather events that hit Australia and the world last year, with economic losses associated with weather-related disasters estimated to be US $215 billion, costs ultimately carried by people, communities and local governments.

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