Climate and Nature: Councils CaN!
Recognising the critical linkages between climate and nature, and the need for councils, capital cities and regions across Australia to urgently, and more effectively connect their climate and nature actions, ICLEI Oceania has curated a unique, integrated suite of Climate and Nature action offerings to support Australian councils – large or small, metropolitan, regional or remote – on their sustainability journeys.
The Climate and Nature (CaN) action suite includes practical tools, expert technical support and peer learning platforms to support Australian councils in accelerating local and state-level action, contributing not only to their current and future communities, but also to local and global targets, as direct, urgent and concrete responses the climate and biodiversity emergencies.
Australian councils (CaN) choose to participate in one or multiple initiatives/activities, creating their own path of climate and nature-related support, according to their needs and budget, regardless of how advanced their progress is in these areas of action.