City of Melbourne - Climate Change Mitigation Strategy to 2050

The City of Melbourne has developed the draft Climate Change Mitigation Strategy that aims to reduce the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the municipality. 

The draft strategy aligns to the Paris Climate Agreement and the international effort to stay below a 1.5°C rise in global average temperatures. It describes the actions we can take together to address the causes of climate change. It might be a global problem but the solutions are right here in our city.

The City of Melbourne have consulted with climate change experts in the field, looking for the best ideas and they now want your ideas on potential actions that Melbourne's community, businesses, industry partners, and the State and Federal Government, can take to deliver on our commitment to keep Melbourne below a 1.5°C rise in global average temperature. 

Help support emissions targets in the city. Share your ideas on the draft strategy by clicking here Feedback closes 7 October.