WEBINAR RECORDING | Translating global biodiversity frameworks and campaigns into local action

Local governments play an essential role in the conservation and management of biodiversity and nature across the globe. Councils have the opportunity to align the work they do conserving and restoring nature and biodiversity with national and global targets and various initiatives championing the vision of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). 

ICLEI Oceania recently hosted a webinar about key global and national drivers of biodiversity and nature improvement, including the GBF. It unpacked the jargon and the acronyms of the various initiatives championing the GBF goals and targets such as Nature Positive, HAC, 30 by 30, TNFD and CHAMP. Presenters also explored how councils can translate these national and global drivers into local action through planning, monitoring, reporting and research-practice collaboration and partnerships.

Speakers included: Rob Law, Senior Manager Energy Transitions, WWF Australia and Judy Bush, Senior DECRA Research Fellow, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne, as well as Cr. Amanda Stone, outgoing City of Yarra Councillor and member of the ICLEI Global and Regional Executive Committees.


Coudn’t make the live event? Watch the webinar recording below.

ICLEI Oceania